I noticed the grass has taken on a healthy green color again as we've had some much-needed rain this fall, but the lawn is patchy and full of weeds. I have heard that weed killers (glyphosate) should be applied in November, before Thanksgiving. I hope I have a wind-free day to tackle some patches of thistle that have sprung up in the flower beds. It would be nice to eradicate some of that problem now.
Many of the trees have lost their leaves already, but the Cleveland pear in my second photo is still a blaze of color. Attractively shaped and hardy, this ornamental tree is less prone to breakage than its cousin, the Bradford pear. I wish I had a row of them, but am happy to have even this solitary specimen.
In the third and final photo, Gourdhenge stands, a skeletal frame in the recently plowed garden. Gone are the riotous, lush vines that covered the structure and the surrounding area. The soil will rest from gourds, perhaps becoming the site of my cutting garden next year. Gourdo is experimenting with rotating the flowers with the gourds. Just as our local farmers rotate their crops of soybeans, corn and wheat, we need to rotate the gourds with other plants in order to help control disease and insects.
Cleaning up in the yard and garden now should reap benefits next year. I hope Mother Nature grants us a good weekend so I can tackle those chores before the really cold weather arrives. Photos by JulenaJo.
ReplyDeleteI found your blog on Blotanical.
Your Pear tree is so beautiful with it's rich autumn color. I hope you get some work done this weekend, weather permitting :0)
I love gourdhendge!
ReplyDeleteHi Julena~~ Love the colors on your tree. The fields surrounding your house look very similar to the grass fields in my neck of the woods. I hope it stays warm enough to get your garden chores finished.
ReplyDeleteazplantlady, welcome to my blog and thanks for writing. I hope you pop in again sometime!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Michelle! My husband will be so pleased to see your comment on his project.
Thanks to you, too, Grace. Always a pleasure to hear from you. :)