Wednesday, March 4, 2009

And God Said, "Let's Color!"

What I know about orchids you could put on the head of a pin. I've stated in the past that I am not much of an indoor gardener--these lovelies do not live with me. They were on display at Ft. Wayne. Aren't the fantastic form, colors and markings on these beauties incredible? I can't help but believe in God when I look at these. Yes, I have science training. I know about Big Bang and "evolutionary development necessary for procreation of the species." It all makes remarkable sense. But. LOOK! This is starstuff, wonderfully made, and in my heart I just know that after He made it, God took out Divine Magic Markers and colored on it. Orchid photos by JulenaJo.


  1. Amen! LOL
    They are just beautiful. I just bought my first orchid last weekend. Now I am in hopes of learning to keep it a live and well.There are so many different types and colors of orchids. The yellow is striking.

  2. Absolutely gorgeous! I also am persuaded that intricate design points to a great Designer. The appreciation of beauty serves no evolutionary or species preservation purpose whatsoever , but comes to us as a gift from that same designer.

  3. incredibly beautiful Julena, i love orchids. its like the face of humans, no two orchids are alike. they all have different faces.

  4. Wow! The colors are stunning. I can't wait to see some color, for now I will live through yours. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Aren't orchids amazing? I knew a gentleman who raised them. A lot of work, time and space are required. I do appreciate just looking at them. Your photos are wonderful and it was a treat to see them.

  6. That's another Amen from me too. I don't think I've had a chance to say hi to you yet---welcome to and we're glad you joined.

  7. Nature provides great beauty!!! these are lovely!

  8. I thought these looked familiar! So you were there, too!!! Did you see my post on the show?

    I'm off to explore the rest of your blog... :-)
