Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Here's a different twist on Halloween, and I like it. The witch looks friendly, the cat is cuddly and the pumpkins are smiling. Here's to a Happy Halloween!


  1. Happy Halloween Julena. I love the old postcards.They have such great colors and phrases.

  2. Smiling pumpkins are okay by me. Happy Halloween to you too!

  3. i don't know how scary things can be fun Julena.
    i am often surprised when horror movies become so popular. i wonder why people are interested in disasters. No one will be willing to ask the victims how they feel. We will never know unless such things happen to us. We will know when people watch our misery on TV or read about us in the news papers.

  4. Julena, i hope you are doing fine. and hope it is not too cold. please stay warm
